From Barnes & Noble: Anonymous
Posted November 1, 2011
Word wise
THIS IS A REMARKABLE BOOK. The characters are extremely well written, the plot is uncommon, and the conflicting cultures of the people all interweave to make a truly outstanding piece of literature.
I ALMOST DIDN'T READ THIS BOOK. I was bored with the first few paragraphs, and told myself I should be enjoying reading, not enduring it. I made a deal with myself that I would read the first chapter, and if I still wasn't interested I would allow myself to quit this book. I finished the book in less than 24 hours, and have gone back and reread many of the passages in the next 2 days.
I FOUND MYSELF ENGROSSED IN THE PEOPLE AND THE DIFFICULTIES THEY FACED. I’ve read other books which tell a story of white versus red races. Other writers also depict the unjust ways the whites meet out “justice." The joy with this writer is how the book explains some of the cultural differences between races, and the strength of one man standing up for his people and their beliefs.
I now have 2 more books by this author in my shelves, awaiting the chance to read them. I also expect I'll be rereading this book.
A suggestion: My novel, THE PENCIL ARTIST
is available as an e-book on Smashwords, Kindle,
and Barnes
and Noble; as a paperback on Amazon.