Saturday, August 31, 2019

THE LOOK of LOVE, a poem

          The comfortable look
          of connubial bliss
          plays across her lovely face
          a familiar enticement
          to love again

          Her sweet eyes reflect
          my craving for her
          an unquenchable thirst
          echoing my desire
          to love again

          Can our intense love
          last beyond the flesh
          to break the limits
          of this mortal coil
          to love again

A suggestion: try my novel, THE HERO, on Kindle

Saturday, August 24, 2019

THE PICNIC, a poem

         The blanket was spread
          on a farmer’s field
          off a country road
          one hot August day
          for my love and me

          The buffet of marriage
          to part or continue
          was laid before us
          the choice was easy
          for my love and me

          Selected each other
          for a prolonged banquet
          spiced by an ecstasy
          that lasted a lifetime
          for my love and me

          (Aug. 24, 2019)  

A suggestion: try my novel, THE ABSCONDER, on Kindle

Sunday, August 18, 2019



          The September Bride
           an independent woman
           glowing with intelligence
           and contagiously happy
           I loved her so much 
            The loving Mother
             a dream is fulfilled
             love unparalleled
             then cherishing four
             I loved her so much

             The woman’s departure
              from a life well lived
              a remembrance of joy
              clouded by sadness
              I loved her so much

          (Ginger and I were married in September of 1956. Nine months later our son, Kenny, was born to her delight. She had wanted children from the time she was a little girl. We had three more: Roy, Danny and Carol. Ginger died in August of 2019.)

A suggestion: try my novel, THE ABSCONDER, on Kindle