Monday, April 19, 2021

END of MY TRAIL, a poem


Worn and so exhausted,

yet still stumbling onward,

near the end of the trail

of a very long life


Through the many years

the journey was fueled

by curiosity and pleasure,

with a strong, energetic body

and no all-consuming heartaches


Sweet memories endure

despite the flawed body

whose certain destiny

is sickness and then death,

perhaps an afterlife


A suggestion: try my novel, THE DREAM DANCER, on Kindle 


Tuesday, April 6, 2021




          The pencil artist took

          just minutes to capture

          the prissy expression

          on my youthful face,

          many decades ago


          My wife put the work

          on our bedroom wall,

          a daily reminder

          that his vision of me

          differed from mine      


I appreciate only now

          as my ego has receded

          with the onset of age

          the perceptive skill

          of that street artist

A suggestion: try my novel, THE HERO, on Kindle