Saturday, June 26, 2021



          Floating along

Drifting aimlessly

          Listening to the music

          of my life


          A sweet symphony

          or a country song,

          coordinated skills

          or a captivating voice


Musical sounds

          stir different feelings

in the heart and soul,

euphoria or gloom

A suggestion: try my novel, OOOEELIE, on Kindle




Wednesday, June 23, 2021

BATHING, haiku


The Robin splashes

The water flies everywhere

A birdbath fulfilled

A suggestion: try my novel, THE ABSCONDER, on Kindle


Saturday, June 12, 2021

THE ANSWER, a poem


How can I explain

My love for you?

Your beauty

Your smile

Your disposition

Your kindness

Your happiness

Those ingredients

Glued us together

A suggestion: try my novel, THE TRUCKERS, on Kindle


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

MEOW, haiku


Where is the old cat

Soundly sleeping in her bed

Where she wants to be