The sound of a flute
Made of
mammoth ivory
In a cave 35,000
years ago
Inspired a
with head bowed
To do more than hunt
A word sounded
in his mind
To fit the
music in the air
Filling him
with pleasure
Novelist Online Onpaper offers my thoughts on writing, reading and publishing--and sometimes the world--at the very least on the first of each month and more often by whim. Periodically, I will review novels from the present and the past, published online or on paper. Hopefully, I won't rain on any novelist, especially those seeking their audience without the help of traditional publishers. My novels are available via Kindle, Amazon and Smashwords through my webpage:
The sound of a flute
Made of
mammoth ivory
In a cave 35,000
years ago
Inspired a
with head bowed
To do more than hunt
A word sounded
in his mind
To fit the
music in the air
Filling him
with pleasure