Monday, March 28, 2022

DOZING, a poem


Leaking from my aura

energy puddles at my feet

leaving my unwieldy body

struggling to stay awake


Dozing marks my days,

waking marks my nights

Dozing is so pleasurable,

waking is exasperating

A suggestion try my novel, BEN CONNOLLY in the PARIS COMMUNE, on Kindle



Sunday, March 20, 2022



Romance is the sauce,

Love is the substance

Together they make

two lives worth living


Lingering like a seed,

bursting into glory

when two bodies are joined

in carnal connection

A suggestion: try my novel, THE TRUCKERS, on Kindle




Friday, March 11, 2022



Doubters, Rejecters, Deniers

stumbling angrily through life,

weighed down by disbelief

What a sad, sad milieu


Like a malignant beacon

guiding them to tyranny,

Donald towers atop

a mountain of his lies


Discard the winner,

replace the elected

with the selfish loser

to rule forever

A suggestion: try my novel, THE ABSCONDER, on Kindle



Tuesday, March 1, 2022



A child is born

opening the world

to possibilities

as a new spreader of joy

or a beast of anxiety


Each of us grows

in our own way,

starting with so much

or enduring little,

going where life carries us


Success comes in pieces,

perhaps even moments,

a reflection of our lives,

traveling the road we chose

to celebration or sorrow

A suggestion: try my novel, OOOEELIE, on Kindle